Tuesday, April 24, 2012

H.W 2.2 Does The Lochness Monster real?

Does Neisse Exist?

Well, I think is unsolved.

According to Nessieland (http://www.loch-ness-monster-nessieland.com/), it is awaiting evidence of the Neisse. It has lots of information that they heard the local people spotted the tail or the body of the monster. They used a special device to track the Neisse’s breathing. It was called the Hydrophone system.  They also used sonar devices. Nothing was found. But you can’t really prove something doesn’t exist. They still believe it exists.

However, scientists claim that it doesn’t exist because BBC sent teams down the lake and searched for it and guess what? Nothing.   (news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3096839.stm)  BBC researched the lake for their species. They searched coast by coast but nothing was found and saw no sign of the monster.

Discovery Channel (dsc.discovery.com/news/afp/20030728/nessie/.htlm) was also involved with the investigation and helped BBC to track down the Neisse and the same thing happened, nothing was found. They went to the bottom of the lake and still nothing was found. There was a large reading on the sonar but it wasn’t.

MY OPINION: I believe it is not true because they did an excellent search in the lake and those two parties are one of the largest media in the world. Their news is trustworthy and it makes sense. Until a skeleton or body is found, we have no evidence that Loch Ness really exist.       

Note: The Nessie Website Changed, so i don't know where the real infromation is.                                                   

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