Thursday, June 21, 2012

Reflection Of my ICT Lesson

Alright now i'm going to talk about what I learned in the Pass ICT Lessons.

First Module: I Learned how to...
1. Make a Presentation Stand Out
2. How to design a Suitable Presentation to audiences
3. Using a Consistent design and Slide Master
4. Adding appropriate images and information
5. Using a existing presentations to adapt to audiences 

Second Module: I learned how to:
1. Finding relevant information from the internet
2. Using other sources for information
3. Checking if the information is accurate, reliable or biased 
4. Using text flow
5. Wrapping text around images

Third Module: I learned how to:
1. What is a Spreadsheet
2. Using Formulae
3.Testing if the model works
4. Formatting text, numbers and cells
5. Understanding what is profit
6. Making and Testing predictions
7. Using suitable types of graphs

Fourth Module: I learned how to:
1. To make a questionnaire
2. Ask effective questions
3. Testing the hypothesis
4. Decide what group of people to ask
5. Making Validation checks in excel
6. Preventing errors in data
7. Sorting database
8. Predicting trends
9. How to make conclusions from the data

Fifth Module: I learned how to:
1. Make a Flow Chart
2 How to understand the charts.

Note: Module 5 is not finished

Thats all I learned thanks for listening :)

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